I thought that I might do a bit of a 'lessons learnt' for this week's blog. In the last 12 weeks I've learnt that:
1) I can sit through a big work morning tea or lunch and watch people eat a myriad of chocolates, cakes and other unhealthy foods and not have to join them.
2) I don't need to rely on alcohol as a stress release.
3) I can eat a main meal that will sustain me for 5 hours with only a cracker to snack on in between.
4) I can cook a stirfry without using fish sauce/soy sauce/oyster sauce and still have it taste good.
5) I can cook without any oil.
6) I really don't need to eat much food at all to fill me up.
It's funny - I feel like I've learnt so much more than what I can write here, it's more like I am in training for the rest of my life. Little habits that I am developing now will stay with me forever. I have always had a problem with having breakfast and being starving mid morning or not feeling like eating at all and now I have discovered the perfect breakfast that sustains me. I love my mango smoothie and can't wait until I can add other fruits to it when this is finished. I used to love having 'Up & Go' drinks for breakfast but they didn't fill me up but my morning smoothie is even better and sustains me perfectly! There are so many new ways of cooking that I've learnt and so many things that I will carry forward, I can honestly say that this journey has been one of the biggest eye openers and really has been one of the greatest experiences of my life!!!
Ooh and before I forget, I lost 0.9 kg this week giving a grand total of 16.7 kg. I am still continuing my experiment of sticking to the diet one million percent and I noticed that for the past 4 days I've been losing weight consistently, something that's not happened for 4-5 weeks. I think it might have taken a few days to get all of the wrong sweeteners etc. out of my body but I'll let you know for sure after the next weigh in if it made a difference!
Ooh and before I forget, I lost 0.9 kg this week giving a grand total of 16.7 kg. I am still continuing my experiment of sticking to the diet one million percent and I noticed that for the past 4 days I've been losing weight consistently, something that's not happened for 4-5 weeks. I think it might have taken a few days to get all of the wrong sweeteners etc. out of my body but I'll let you know for sure after the next weigh in if it made a difference!
M. x
PS - The picture is of my first attempt at cooking kangaroo. Very good for you so I thought I would try to get over my wierdness about it and give it a go. :)