I'm starting to get a lot more comments now as people are really noticing the change in my body, not to mention the change in my face. My boss asked me the other day when 'all this nonsense' would be over. He misses our Friday night 'Wine Time', which we often started at 4 pm, as well as me going to the Office lunches. I said, 'Hmm... in about 15 more kilos?' and he looked me up and down and said, 'that's a bit severe!' I thought it was nice that people are starting to wonder where I am going to get 15 kg more from, I've had a few similar reactions this week. I think it is obvious. Whilst I certainly feel much thinner, and oh my goodness I look much thinner, there are still some parts of me that could do with more shrinkage and I am certainly looking forward to that. I think they are just using my old shape as a frame of reference and compared to before I look brilliant.
I am recommitting to my diet this week. I know that to you I must already seem committed and seem to be sticking to it and getting amazing results but I have gotten somewhat slack over the past month. I often lose count of my crackers or eat a 5th one when there is a crumbed cracker on my schnitzel and I have been eating lots of small apples the past few weeks. I am sure there have been days where I have eaten one too many. This is in contrast to the first month where I was only eating 4 crackers a day and only having one piece of fruit most days. So I am committing to myself this week that I am going to make sure I don't eat too many crackers or have too much fruit because that could be the difference between finishing this by my birthday (end of Aug) or finishing this before I go to France (end of September). I need to speed up a bit or I'll be doing this forever and my commitment is slowly fading.
I hope you all have a great week - wish me luck for pulling 2 kg this week - that's my goal!!!
PS - I know the photo looks wierd but it's a turkey burger with onion and mayo on top. I ate the salad while I was cooking because I was hungry. :)
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