My latest exciting food has been banana - wow, I forgot how nice they are. Pineapple has been rocking my world this week, as did my open steak sandwich that I had for lunch yesterday. I forgot how good it was to have meat and cheese together!!! Funny, I don't eat red meat much at all but I've had it twice in two days - I think it's a product of trying to work out which proteins go well together (I have to start mixing them now) and steak is such a winner. On Sunday I can add salmon (I'm going to pair it with prawns) and then on Monday I can have pork so I'll have that with chicken.
On the weekend I will be having pasta - woo hoo! Ha ha, can't believe how excited I am about what used to be staple foods. Fruit and pasta and mixing meat and cheese. Funny! I'm going to have pork with chicken next week and make a fried rice with it, so excited about rice too! Basically I have had to get used to feeling full again, which is a funny feeling when you've not been full for 5 months. I started this diet 5 months ago today - golly, who knew I could stick to it for so long.
As for my weight - I am holding steady, as is the point of refeed. I've added 2 pieces of fruit, 3 pieces of bread and about 150 g protein and 150 g veg to my day and I've lost 100 g all up for the week. I have been going up or down 200 g a day mostly, which is apparently pretty stable. A lot of people react to bread and some of the fruits which can cause them to put on up to a kilo if their body doesn't like something. Luckily I'm all good *touch wood*. Still have 10 days to go so we'll see. I still have to add in pasta/rice/potato, lamb/pork/salmon/scallops, milk, margarine, biscuits and wine...
As you can imagine, this has been the most complicated week of my life, with food measurements and rules from here to Christmas. Plus I have 2 weeks until I go to France for 5 weeks and all of the organisational issues that come with that, not to mention preparing work for my almost 6 week absence. Needless to say I've been a tad preoccupied. Oh and did I mention I am also enrolling to do Honours in Psychology next year and will probably have to move house when I get back from France? No? Well, there's that too!! Plus, my gorgeous housemate moved out on the weekend and so I've been reorganising and trying to fill the void (there is an Angela-shaped hole in my heart!).
Anyhoo - I hope you are all having less crazy weeks than me! You get out what you put in, and all of this stress is what is making this 2011 - The Year of Mel. I'm sorting out my body and self image (crazy diet), my career (enrolled in course this morning), my goals (going to France to learn French) and my home life (moving or getting a new housemate). All of which will set me up for an amazing 2012.
Watch this space people!
M. x
PPS - I made blueberry jam out of my 100 g blueberry allowance and one sachet of Natvia (a stevia-based sweetener) and some water. It rocked my socks off. Especially on toast. :) xx
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