Secondly, I lost 1.7 kg this week - YAY!!! That makes a grand total of 11 kg. What a difference 11 kg can make. I feel so much better about myself, I can't even tell you. I am back to putting on outfits now and saying to myself, 'yup - you look good.' Such a change from the past 4 months or so where I haven't been able to say that. Everything is fitting me well and I am back wearing a jacket that had stopped fitting a while ago. Lucky for me because it was my work winter jacket and Melbourne is COLD!
In other exciting news, I started a yoga class this week. :) As you get older you learn certain things about yourself, for example, things that you will do and things that you won't. For example, I know that if I sign up as a regular gym member, I will never go the 2 times a week required to make it worthwhile. I probably won't even make it there 2 times in the first week when I am excited about it! If I sign up for a "10 sessions in 3 months" pass, there's a good chance I won't use them all. In fact, if I sign up for anything including a diet or any type of exercise, there's a good chance I won't stick to it. Given my predictable behaviour, I was looking for a way that would encourage me to get into yoga and I think I have found it. :) I signed up to a "Beginners Course in Yoga", which I had to pay for upfront. I knew if there was a gym that had yoga on a certain night that I would never go when it was too cold/rainy/warm at home or when I was too tired/broke/didn't want to leave Bella/couldn't be bothered/*insert some other random excuse here* and so I paid upfront for a 10 week course that is on every Tuesday at 6 pm. Not too late that I get home and get comfy, but not too early that I am too rushed and could have an excuse to be late for class. So I went on Tuesday to my first lesson and it was great! During the day at work I was thinking, 'Ugh, what was I thinking? It's freezing today and I'll have to go home and then leave Bella alone again." Not to mention that I don't really like going out in the evenings. But I sucked it up, came home, got changed and off I went. The place was warm, welcoming, had some lovely aromatherapy oils burning and some pleasant background music. I enjoyed the class very much and think it will help immensely by adding a little hour of peaceful serenity to my otherwise stressful work week. So here's to signing up to something I will stick to!
Before I sign off I'd just like to thank those of you who read my blog. Your little messages of encouragement are making this journey all the more fulfilling. :)
M. x
PS - Photo is of a tuna curry I made with tomato, onion and zucchini - delicious. :)
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