Hello!! Can't believe we are at the end of Week 7 already! I say we because I feel like you have all been on the journey with me. :)
I lost 1.0 kg this week. :) Grand total of 12 kg in 7 weeks, I am very pleased. I am still in awe of myself actually sticking to this. As each week ticks past I feel stronger and more resolved not to cheat. I actually have 'nightmares' now, reasonably frequently, where I dream that I accidentally ate something I wasn't allowed to and spoiled my diet - how funny!
I must admit that this week has seemed harder. I'm not sure why but I have been very peckish in the evening and have been craving chocolate all week. I am eating my 5th cracker and my second piece of fruit everyday, which is something I had stopped doing by the end of the first week. Even after that I am still looking for something to eat and having to resort to chewing gum or brushing my teeth to distract myself. I am now very much looking forward to a piece of dark chocolate or a banana or a pear, along with other things I am not allowed to eat at the moment so I am very much looking forward to the end whilst realising that I have a long way to go.
I mentioned to Ange the other day that I was a bit weary as I am not even halfway through my weight loss yet and she made an interesting point - that I am actually about 90% there, in that most of the journey lies inside of the commitment to the program. I think that is actually what makes it difficult at the moment - feeling like I am nearly finished mentally and yet nowhere near it physically.
Oh well, soldier on! I fit back into my old work pants now, they will look great after a couple of weeks. :)
Have a great week!!
M. x
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