Zucchini Pasta
- cut zucchini into fine long strips;
- dry on paper towel overnight in fridge; and
- stirfry with garlic, spray oil and salt.
I love this, it actually does taste a bit like pasta. I've eaten it several times, here it is with some seasoned chicken. I can't wait until I have a bigger veg allowance, I'd like to make this bigger so it is more like pasta with a topping. :)
- cut open squid tube and remove any cartilage you can find;
- score diagonal lines into inside of squid and cut into strips;
- place in little bag with 1 crushed premium cracker, salt, pepper and garlic; and
- stirfry in spray oil.
Oh how I loved eating this. I seriously felt like I was cheating, it was that good. It also works well in the oven for about 12 minutes on 190 degrees or so (fan forced). Doesn't look that great with the coleslaw colour-wise, but I eat that coleslaw with everything! ... and no my darling student husband, I still haven't bought that slicer so my cabbage still looks messy. :P
- cut up mushrooms;
- saute in 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar; and
- crumble feta and parsley over the top.
Oh My God. This is amazing. Was inspired one morning at work, thinking about a mushroom bruschetta I once had and I came home and made this in my lunch break with a manky bunch of parsley that had been in the fridge for about 3 weeks. The parsley ended up making the dish! I wish I was allowed feta more than once a week because this is amazing.
- mix organic chicken mince with 1 premium cracker, 1/4 teaspoon of mustard powder and some celtic salt;
- form into little nuggets; and
- bake in oven for 12 minutes on 190 degrees (fan-forced), turning once.
YUMMO! I made 5 batches of these last night and froze them. Good for a quick pre-prepared dinner. I think when I make them again that I won't mix the cracker in, I will save it to crumb the outside. See, I eat that coleslaw with everything! So quick, easy and tasty. :)
- finely chop 75 g total of spring onion, mushroom, asparagus and spinach;
- mix with one egg;
- divide into 2 muffin molds; and
- bake for about 15 mins on 180 degrees (fan forced).
These are pretty tasty. I freeze them and put them in the fridge to defrost overnight for an easy breakfast. I've even eaten them cold!
So there you have it. If you are looking for some healthy alternatives or ideas - enjoy!
M. x
PS - Thank you again for all of your support, I think creating this blog has helped me enormously to stay accountable and that wouldn't happen if I knew nobody was reading it so thank you to all of you who encourage me and read it. If you are still getting email notifications and would prefer not to, please let me know as I won't be at all offended. :)
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